Through Bassackward Press in Myrtle’s printmaking studio located in Verge Center for the Arts, Sactowners now have access to explore and learn this old-timey artisanal relief printing method by offering hands-on experiences with a midcentury Vandercook ­handfed cylinder proof press!

Starting January 2020, beginner workshops, open studio nights, private lessons and rental availability for trained letterpress printers will be available in the Sacramento area.


make an impression

Open public session registration is available through Verge Center for the Arts.

Upcoming workshops open to public will be listed on Verge’s class page here!

Private lessons & press rental
Send an email


ABOUT bassackward press

After 20+ years in the field of digital design, Sacramento-based art director Barbara Hennelly is embracing the slow and imperfect nature of old-timey printing, blending her love of typography, the smell of ink and the tactile nature of paper with words and messages that inform, inspire, entertain or resonate. She enjoys exploring the intersection of digital design and historical print techniques via her 1950-something Vandercook 219AB proofing press and a growing collection of antique Hamilton wood type. In 2019 she received a Communication Arts Award of Excellence in Typography.

Follow on Instagram @bassackwardpress